Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rochester Arts and Culture Collaborative June update

Things are still happening with arts and culture in Rochester, even as the lazy days of summer have hit. Although it's hard to be lazy in a city with so much going on!

What's happening 
First, here are a few "heads up" alerts:

  • Art Blitz on Saturday 3:00-11:00 pm all over the block around the Creative Salon (4th St & 1st Ave SW). Stop by our booth and say hello! (and drop off some of your flyers or business cards)
  • Look for a survey coming your way from the Minnesota State Arts Board (MSAB) called Artists Thrive. They want to hear from individual artists they don't usually hear from to get a broader sense of Minnesota's artistic communities.  As the survey creator put it: "We need to reach respondents who represent the full diversity of artists and creative people in Minnesota, not just those who are already likely to respond to an Arts Board request."   Please take a few minutes to fill it out when/if you get it and let us know if you don't because we will be one of the sources distributing it. 
  • Did you know that Charter House has a small art gallery, called the Parkside Gallery, with revolving exhibits? Their new show, featuring the art of Dr. Kevin Reid, opens July 16, with a reception from 4:30-7:00 pm.  The jazz combo CCB will be providing music. The gallery is open to the public so please stop by and take a look (the most recent exhibit showed art of C4's own Phil Taylor and Bobby Marines).
  • Unfortunately the IMAA (Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association) event Walk Around the World, in celebration of World Refugee Day, was cancelled Saturday, June 13, due to bad weather. However, they are planning their second annual Pearl Gala for September 25 and would welcome your help in a number of ways.  Here is more information. 

Team updates

Interviews are ongoing to gather input and initial commitments in support of an Arts and Cultural Center in the current Senior Center/Armory. Feedback by July 1 is encouraged as the committee works to develop a viable business plan in advance of a Request for Proposal opportunity when the city council has defined its process.  An important part of the business plan is also having a management system in place, so the committee is actively working on that piece as well. Please contact to set up a meeting with a member of the interview & input team if you want to know more.

The Spaces team has also stayed in touch with the Mayor's office as he does preparatory work for a future Chateau Commission. The work of this commission will be to figure out the best use of the Chateau Theater once the purchase is finalized. We will keep you posted on the Chateau Commission as we learn more about the Mayor's plan and what the City Council proposes for this decision process.

Programming and Public Art
The #Art4Trails project is making great strides. The committee is finishing a proposal for a grant from SEMAC to help fund this exciting idea for public art along the bike trail in downtown Rochester. #Art4Trails is scheduled to take place in the summer of 2016, so be ready for a Call for Art to be coming your way in the fall of 2015.

The policy team is keeping abreast of what is happening with the Public Art Master Plan consultant proposal. The latest from the Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust is that the work will probably start in July. As the consultant begins to put his oversight committee together, our understanding is that it will comprise representation from a broad swath of the community.  We look forward to fresh eyes and a fresh perspective for a sorely needed piece of policy.


As always, you can be in touch with the Collaborative through our email, our Facebook page, our Twitter feed (@RACCMN), or this blog. We welcome and exist because of feedback and participation. Don't be shy - if something interests you or you see a need, reach out.  Join us in our big tent of collaboration, creativity and community!