Monday, May 23, 2016

RACC news for May part 2

More May updates!

We hope you've been hearing about the Rochester Art Center's big 70th birthday bash on June 4, including the Art4Trails portion. There will be a bike ride at 12:00 from Silver Lake to Slattery and back to Mayo Park for the unveiling of all 5 Art4Trails installations. Following that, stay and join the art activities happening inside and outside the Art Center.   Here is more information about the day's events. They could use some more hands so you can go to this page to check out some fun volunteer opportunities. 

**This just in: RNeighbors has granted the Art4Trails project $1,000 to help defray the costs of the installations and unveilings. THANKS neighborhoods!**

The Chateau Theatre Reuse Taskforce is having a community meeting on May 26 from 4:30-6:00. The event is free, but does require registration.

Have you completed the Public Art Master Plan survey yet? They would appreciate as much input as possible so please check that out before June 1 if possible.

There has also been information going around about the Downtown Rochester (RDA) and DMA EDA request for proposals for the inaugural prototyping festival. The deadline is June 17 so check out their information.

Here's a Did You Know for this month - there's a new Skills School at Eagle Bluff Learning Center in Lanesboro.  Check it out! For example, Singing for Everyone on July 9.

There is so much more than can be reasonably listed in a quick monthly email, so as always, you can find Rochester Arts and Culture Collaborative on Facebook, Twitter (@raccmn), this blog and you can find documents on our website.  Contact us via and Subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

RACC May 2016 newsletter featuring PAMP survey

The Public Art Master Plan survey is still ongoing and they are collecting responses through May 31. Here's a link to the description of the PAMP process. There are some wonderful examples of public art in the city already, and a comprehensive plan will streamline the steps for new projects (such as Art4Trails) and also broaden the scope of possibilities, whether permanent or temporary, visual or performing arts.  Please do add your voice; now is the time, not after the plan has been finalized.

Speaking of public art, the Minnesota State Arts Board has a call out to Minnesota artists for permanent, site-specific public artwork at the Oliver Kelley Farm in Elk River, Minnesota.

Here are a few other things sent on over to the RACC Facebook page (although we know there are exciting, interesting, challenging happenings in the area ALL THE TIME!):

Coming up THIS Sunday: Rockchester Music Festival. 12:30-9:00 pm at the Wicked Moose.

Also, consider the event on May 19 put on by the In the City for Good group:
In the City for Good Community Forum

Did you know about this? La Mese delle Donne Quatre (A Month of Women IV)

Rochester Art Center 70th Birthday Bash June 4This includes the Art4Trails kickoff event in Mayo Park! 

As always, you can find Rochester Arts and Culture Collaborative on Facebook, Twitter (@raccmn), this blog and you can find documents on our website.  Contact us via

See you at the show!